A new cable television show will spotlight two Marblehead buisinesses for the first episodes to be shown on “Made from America” on Great America TV.
The Barnacle Restaurant and Redd’s Pond Boatworks will be the subject of Gabe Johnson’s exploration of small US towns and the business that help shape their character. At the end of the show Johnson will present a T-shirt featuring the “identity of the business” with the intention of promoting that business via retail stores nationwide as well as online.
The owner of Redd’s Pond Boatworks, Doug Park explained that the film crew spent a few days with him at his store last autumn. Park said the crew was fun to work with, and he was excited about this great chance to spread the word about his business, which he bought from the founder of the boat-shop four years ago.
Park expects the show to highlight “the craftsman aspect of wooden boats in general. It’s me working with the customer to do this unique craft.”
Made from America will be shown at 9PM, Thursday, April 30. The following episode, to be shown at 9:30PM will feature another Marblehead business, The Barnacle Restaurant.